A case study of the app I designed, ClosetOn, in order to help users organize and maintain their wardrobes in a clear and concise way.
With this app, I intend to improve organization and cut down on clutter in people’s lives by creating a virtual version of their closets. There is also the potential to cut down on excessive purchases. This app can be used to categorize, plan ahead, and come up with new solutions for a growing wardrobe.
I looked into a few other existing apps with similar goals. This included SmartCloset and DressX.
SmartCloset is a closet app that allows you to document and categorize your clothes. You can also shop for clothes directly on the app itself. You are able to create looks within the app that you can put on the calendar for certain days. You can also plan for packing for vacations which I found to be a clever feature.
DressX is an NFT company that creates virtual fashion using AR. This is a feature I implemented within my app. It uses the Snapchat camera and works the same way as a Snapchat filter. You can also purchase the “clothing pieces” in a more refined way in which the company alters an image that you send them by adding their pieces to your photo.

I wanted the app to follow the clean, minimalistic trend of the current fashion and beauty landscape.
Process Flowcharts
Affinity Diagram/Card Sort
Information Architecture
Initial Sketches
My wireframes were rather blank as the content was a large part of them. Despite this, I was able to hone in on how many icons I wanted on the touchbar, as well as got a clear idea for the layout of each feature.
Final Design
Prototype Link
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